Stronger Futures

Centre of Research Excellence

Building resilience and breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma and social inequity

This website includes stories and research about experiences of trauma, resilience, healing and recovery.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the website may contain names of people who have passed away.

The transmission of complex trauma across generations is a global public health and human rights issue.

Despite growing recognition of intergenerational cycles of trauma and family violence, there is limited research evidence regarding effective intervention strategies to prevent or reduce intergenerational transmission of complex trauma and/or enable healing and recovery from the effects of trauma. Our goal is to improve social and emotional wellbeing, family functioning and resilience in families and communities disproportionately impacted by intergenerational trauma and family violence.

About us

Our work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Our work with refugee and migrant background communities


Know our story

An initiative to inspire, encourage and support clinical and population health researchers to work towards greater social inclusion and equity in research.

The Stronger Futures CRE is led by the Intergenerational Health group at MCRI.